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Science Dept

Our Science department is committed to empowering underrepresented students, particularly Black students, and addressing educational disparities. With a comprehensive curriculum covering Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy/Earth Science, and the Living Environment, we aim to provide equal opportunities and resources to bridge the gap in access to advanced science courses. Through hands-on experiments and engaging activities, we inspire a passion for STEM fields and encourage Black students to explore future careers in science.

We create an inclusive learning environment that fosters scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills. By nurturing curiosity and promoting inquiry-based learning, we equip Black students with the tools they need to excel in scientific pursuits. Our goal is to empower them to make meaningful contributions to their communities and society. With our focused approach, we strive to provide an equitable and enriching science education that prepares Black students for success in future STEM endeavors.

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k-1 Teacher: Prof. Stella

2nd - 8th grade: Prof. Morrishow/Prof. Joi

9th-12th Teacher: Brother Que

All Science classes meet four times per week and are one hour in duration.

Course description

Our science curriculum is designed to expose students to core scientific principles and inspire their interest in STEM-based careers. Over the course of two years, we offer classes in Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy/Earth Science, and the Living Environment. These classes align with AP standards and College introductory requirements, ensuring a rigorous educational experience.


We go beyond the minimum expectations by utilizing various teaching methodologies and providing a broader scope of scientific concepts. Our aim is to empower students, particularly Black students who have historically been given limited opportunities, with a comprehensive understanding of key scientific principles.


Through hands-on experiments, interactive discussions, and innovative teaching approaches, we create an engaging learning environment. Our goal is to foster a lifelong curiosity and appreciation for science while equipping students with the necessary skills to pursue advanced studies and careers in STEM fields.


By offering a high-quality science education, we strive to level the playing field and enable all students to reach their full potential. Our curriculum aims to inspire and prepare students for success in the ever-changing world of science and technology.


students will receive their assignments through Google Classroom. It is essential for students to show all their work and provide detailed explanations of their problem-solving process. Assignments may incorporate exercises from the IXL platform to offer extra practice and reinforce key concepts. Students are expected to complete assignments on time and are responsible for checking with the teacher or their classmates for any missed work or notes in case of an absence. If there are exceptional circumstances that lead to late submission, parents should reach out via email. Late assignments will be accepted within the unit timeframe, and if the unit has already been completed, it will be at the teacher's discretion to decide whether to accept the assignment.

make up work:

students will receive their assignments through Google Classroom. It is essential for students to show all their work and provide detailed explanations of their problem-solving process. Assignments may incorporate exercises from the IXL platform to offer extra practice and reinforce key concepts. Students are expected to complete assignments on time and are responsible for checking with the teacher or their classmates for any missed work or notes in case of an absence. If there are exceptional circumstances that lead to late submission, parents should reach out via email. Late assignments will be accepted within the unit timeframe, and if the unit has already been completed, it will be at the teacher's discretion to decide whether to accept the assignment.

Class grade 

  • Class assignments 40%

  • Class participation 15%

  • Class Notes 35%


  • A      93-100 

  • A -    90-92
  • B +   87-89

  • B       83-86

  • B -     80-82

  • C +    77-79

  • C       73-76

  • C -     70-72

  • D +    67-69

  • D       60-66

  • D -     59

  • F       55

Our chemistry curriculum

The Chemistry curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of chemistry, while also allowing for growth and complexity as they progress through each grade level. Students begin by exploring basic concepts such as matter, atoms, elements, and the periodic table, and gradually delve into more advanced topics including chemical reactions, stoichiometry, bonding, and organic chemistry.

To enhance their understanding and practical skills in chemistry, students are required to complete two experiments per grade level. These hands-on experiments allow students to apply theoretical knowledge, practice scientific methods, and develop essential laboratory skills such as measuring, observing, and analyzing data. Additionally, students are assigned documentary assignments and research reports, where they conduct in-depth research on specific chemical phenomena, analyze scientific literature, and present their findings in a coherent and informative manner.

key components and topics covered in our curriculum:

  1. Introduction to Matter: Students explore the properties of matter, including solids, liquids, and gases, and learn about basic concepts such as atoms, molecules, and chemical reactions.

  2. States of Matter: Students investigate the different states of matter and learn about the changes that occur when matter transitions between states.

  3. Properties of Materials: Students examine the physical and chemical properties of materials and learn how to classify and compare different substances.

  4. Mixtures and Solutions: Students explore mixtures and solutions, learning about solubility, concentration, and the separation of mixtures.

  5. Acids and Bases: Students delve into the properties of acids and bases, conducting experiments to understand their characteristics and reactions.

  6. Chemical Reactions: Students investigate chemical reactions, exploring concepts such as reactants, products, and balancing equations.

  7. Energy and Changes: Students learn about energy transfer and the role of energy in chemical reactions and changes of state.

  8. The Periodic Table: Students explore the elements and their organization on the periodic table, investigating trends and patterns.

Our Physics curriculum

The Physics curriculum is designed to provide students with a progressive understanding of the principles and laws that govern the physical world, as well as develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. As students progress through each grade level, the complexity of the topics increases to accommodate their growing knowledge and abilities.

Students begin by exploring foundational concepts such as motion, forces, energy, and electricity. They learn about Newton's laws of motion, work and energy, and basic principles of electricity and magnetism. As they advance, students delve into more advanced topics such as momentum, the law of gravitation, energy, and thermodynamics. They develop a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles and their applications in real-world scenarios.

To enhance their understanding and practical skills in physics, students are required to complete two experiments per grade level. These hands-on experiments allow students to apply theoretical knowledge, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions based on their findings. Additionally, students engage in documentary assignments and research reports, where they explore specific phenomena or concepts in physics, conduct research, and present their findings in a comprehensive and articulate manner.

By actively participating in experiments, assignments, and research-based projects, students not only deepen their understanding of physics but also develop critical thinking skills, analytical reasoning, and scientific communication abilities. This comprehensive approach to learning physics prepares students for further studies in STEM fields and equips them with the skills necessary to excel in higher-level physics courses or pursue careers in physics, engineering, or other scientific disciplines.

key components and topics covered in our curriculum:

  1. Motion and Forces: Students study the principles of motion, including speed, velocity, acceleration, and the forces that affect motion.

  2. Energy and Work: Students explore different forms of energy, including kinetic and potential energy, and learn about the relationship between energy and work.

  3. Sound and Light: Students investigate the properties of sound and light, learning about waves, reflection, refraction, and the behavior of sound and light in different mediums.

  4. Electricity and Magnetism: Students delve into the principles of electricity and magnetism, exploring circuits, electromagnetism, and the properties of magnets.

  5. Heat and Thermal Energy: Students learn about heat transfer, thermal energy, and the behavior of substances as they are heated or cooled.

  6. Forces and Motion in Space: Students explore the motion of celestial bodies, learning about gravity, orbits, and the characteristics of the solar system.

  7. 6. Momentum: Students explore the concept of momentum, learning how it is related to mass and velocity and how it is conserved in interactions between objects.

  8. Law of Gravitation: Students study the law of gravitation, understanding how it governs the motion of objects in the universe and the relationship between mass and gravitational force.

  9. Energy and Thermodynamics: Students delve into the principles of energy and thermodynamics, learning about different forms of energy, energy transfer, and the laws that govern energy conversion and efficiency. They also explore concepts such as heat, temperature, and the laws of thermodynamics.

Our Astronomy and Earth Science curriculum

The Astronomy and Earth Science curriculum is designed to foster a deep understanding of the vast universe and the dynamic processes that shape our planet. Students embark on an exploration of celestial bodies, galaxies, stars, and our solar system, gaining insights into the intricate systems that govern our universe. They also delve into the structure and composition of the Earth, including topics such as plate tectonics, landforms, weathering, and erosion.

As students progress through each grade level, the complexity of the topics deepens to match their advancing knowledge and skills. They study Earth's structure, the mechanisms behind plate tectonics, and the geological processes that have shaped our planet. They also learn about Earth's systems, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, and their interconnectedness.

To enhance their understanding and hands-on experience, students are required to complete two experiments per grade level. These experiments allow them to explore scientific phenomena, conduct observations, and analyze data to draw meaningful conclusions. In addition, students engage in documentary assignments and research reports, where they investigate specific aspects of astronomy and Earth science, conduct research, and present their findings in a comprehensive manner.

By actively participating in experiments, assignments, and research-based projects, students develop critical thinking skills, scientific inquiry, and effective communication abilities. They gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the universe and the importance of protecting and preserving our planet. This comprehensive approach to learning astronomy and Earth science prepares students for further studies in STEM fields, cultivates their scientific curiosity, and equips them with the skills necessary to contribute to the understanding and stewardship of our planet and the cosmos.

key components and topics covered in our curriculum:

  1. Our Universe: Students explore the vastness of the universe, learning about its formation, structure, and the objects within it, such as galaxies, stars, and planets.

  2. Galaxies: Students study different types of galaxies, their characteristics, and how they are formed and organized within the universe.

  3. Star Systems: Students delve into the study of star systems, including binary star systems and star clusters, understanding their formation and lifecycle.

  4. Our Solar System: Students investigate our solar system, examining the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets, and their orbits and interactions.

  5. Earth's Structure: Students learn about the layers that make up the Earth, including the crust, mantle, and core, and how they contribute to the planet's geology and geophysical processes.

  6. Earth Systems: Students explore the interconnectedness of Earth's systems, including the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere, and how they influence climate, weather, and natural phenomena.

  7. Plate Tectonics: Students study the theory of plate tectonics, understanding how the Earth's lithosphere is divided into plates that move and interact, leading to the formation of mountains, earthquakes, and volcanoes.

  8. Earth's History: Students examine the geological history of the Earth, including the formation of rocks, the fossil record, and the concept of deep time, to understand the changes and events that have shaped our planet over millions of years.

Our Living Environment curriculum

The Living Environment curriculum provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the biological world, starting from the foundational principles of cell theory and cell structures. As students progress through each grade level, they explore more complex topics such as body systems, homeostasis, genetics, ecosystems, adaptation, and ecology.

To enhance their learning experience, students actively engage in hands-on experiments, where they apply scientific methods and investigate various biological phenomena. These experiments allow students to develop their skills in data collection, analysis, and critical thinking. Additionally, students are assigned documentary assignments and research reports, where they conduct in-depth research on specific topics, analyze scientific literature, and present their findings in a clear and organized manner.

key components and topics covered in our curriculum:

  1. Cell Theory: Students delve into the fundamental principles of cell theory, learning about the basic structure and function of cells, including the roles of organelles and the processes that occur within cells.

  2. Cell Structures: Students explore the different structures and organelles within cells, understanding their functions and how they contribute to the overall functioning of living organisms.

  3. Body Systems: Students examine the various body systems, including the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, and skeletal systems, understanding their structures, functions, and how they work together to maintain homeostasis.

  4. Homeostasis: Students learn about the concept of homeostasis, exploring how organisms regulate and maintain stable internal conditions in response to external changes.

  5. Genetics: Students study the principles of genetics, including inheritance patterns, DNA structure, and the processes of replication, transcription, and translation.

  6. Ecosystems: Students explore the interconnectedness of organisms within ecosystems, studying the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers, and the flow of energy and matter through food webs.

  7. Adaptation: Students investigate the concept of adaptation, understanding how organisms evolve and change over time to better survive and reproduce in their environments.

  8. Ecology: Students learn about the interactions between organisms and their environment, studying concepts such as population dynamics, community interactions, and the impact of human activities on ecosystems.

Our Living Environment curriculum

Our Advanced Placement (AP) level Science curriculum for high school students offers an immersive and comprehensive study of the subjects of Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and Living Environment. Each course spans one academic year and carries a weight of two credits, reflecting the depth and rigor of the material covered. Students will delve into advanced topics in each subject, expanding their knowledge and skills to a college-level standard.

Throughout the courses, students will engage in a series of four in-depth experiments in each subject, allowing them to apply scientific principles, conduct research, and analyze data to draw meaningful conclusions. These experiments provide hands-on experience and reinforce the key concepts learned in class. Students will develop their scientific inquiry skills, practice laboratory techniques, and effectively communicate their findings through detailed laboratory reports.

The AP-level curriculum places a strong emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. In Chemistry, students explore advanced topics such as chemical reactions, atomic structure, and thermodynamics. In Physics, students delve into complex concepts including motion, forces, energy, and electromagnetism. In Astronomy, students study celestial objects, cosmology, and the principles governing the universe. In Living Environment, students examine topics such as cell biology, genetics, ecology, and human anatomy and physiology.

The courses are designed to prepare students for success in the respective AP exams, which assess their knowledge and skills in each subject. Through rigorous coursework, extensive reading assignments, and regular assessments, students are equipped with the necessary knowledge and analytical tools to excel in the exams and potentially earn college credit.

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